COECSA, Journal, Ophthalmology
Impairment of vision among commercial motorcyclists (Bodaboda riders) in Uganda
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Visual Impairment
Commercial motocyclists


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Lusobya RC, Ssali-Nsibirwa G, Kiggundu JB, Atukunda I, Samia HA, Otiti- Sengeri J. (2023). Impairment of vision among commercial motorcyclists (Bodaboda riders) in Uganda. The Journal of Ophthalmology of Eastern, Central and Southern Africa, 15(01). Retrieved from


Background: To determine the prevalence and factors associated with impaired vision among commercial motorcyclists (bodaboda) riders in Uganda.

Objective: To determine the prevalence and factors associated with impaired vision among commercial motocyclists (bodaboda) riders in Uganda.Methods: This was a descriptive cross-sectional study done in Kawempe South division in Kampala district. Socio-demographic characteristics, relevant medical and riding history were recorded. All riders underwent a general medical examination and a detailed ocular examination which included vision, anterior and posterior segment assessment. A rider with impaired vision was defined as one whose presenting visual acuity was 6/12 or less in either eye.

Results: Seven hundred and twenty four male riders, aged between 17 to 56 years (mean 30.3 years, Standard deviation=7.2 years) were recruited. Thirty riders (4.1%, 95%CI: 2.7- 5.6) had impaired vision in either eye. Eight riders (1.1%) had visual impairment in both eyes. The ocular disorders associated with impaired vision included: refractive errors 12 (40%), uveitis 6 (20%) and anophthalmic socket 4 (13.3%), ptosis 2 (6.7%), amblyopia 2 (6.7%) corneal scar 2 (6.7%) and cataract 2 (6.7%).

Conclusion: A significant proportion of bodaboda riders in Kampala have impaired vision. The causes of impaired vision were ocular disorders that are treatable and reversible if diagnosed early.

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