Objective: To develop attributes relevant to satisfying ophthalmic care among health providers and patients.
Design: Mixed-method study.
Settings: Harare Central Hospital Eye Unit, Zimbabwe.
Subjects: A convenience sample of 30 eligible adult patients who had come for eye care at the outpatients’ department and 18 health care providers.
Methods: This study was conducted as the first phase of a two-phase broader study. We held five focus groups with patients and doctors separately and twelve in-depth key informant interviews with nurses. Participants were asked to identify attributes of the care process they regarded as leading to satisfying eye care. We recorded full details and used a tallying method to record frequencies. We then ranked and identified key attributes, with the top three attributes regarded as the most important.
Results: The study developed nine attributes from health providers and seven attributes from health users. The most important attributes for health providers were the availability of drugs, good staff attitude and the availability of equipment. Patients prioritised good staff attitude, adequate information and the availability of doctors. All the attributes mentioned by health users were mentioned by health providers but ranked differently.
Conclusion: Both clinical and nonclinical attributes of care were considered by health providers and health users. Overall, attributes that were important to patients were linked to interpersonal relations (attitudes, communication, availability of, and access to doctors). Health providers’ preferences were mostly clinical (drugs and equipment). Acknowledging these differences in perspectives may help policymakers when designing frameworks for quality health services.
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